SATA 7P hard disk data cable transparent blue

SATA 7P hard disk data cable transparent blue

SATA 7P硬盤(pán)數據線透明藍

The appearance of the SATA 7P hard disk data cable transparent blue SATA hard disk data cable 2.0 and 3.0 cables does not see much difference. The cables produced by different data cable manufacturers may be clear on the color and the logo on the cable. The cable specification supports SATA hard disk data cable 2.0 or 3.0, but whether it is SATA2.0 cable used between SATA3.0 hard disk and motherboard, or SATA creative data cable custom 3.0 cable used in SATA2.0 The hard disk and the motherboard are universal, and the transparent blue SATA 7P hard disk data cable will not have any specification compatibility problems.

SATA 7P硬盤數據線透明藍
