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    • 你知道為什麽小區噴泉不噴水嗎?
    • 本站編輯:杭州揚晨泵業有限公司發(fā)布日期:2019-09-23 17:54 瀏(liú)覽次數:


    Fountain is a beautiful scenery for the community. For the residents, it can add luster to life. However, over the past few days, reporters visited some districts in our city and found that most of the fountains in many districts no longer spray water. The former beautiful waterscape fountains in the districts are now mostly furnished.


    [Spot direct attack]


    Many fountains are dormant


    In a residential area of Jiangxiang Road in Meishan City, although the fountain facing the gate is very beautiful, the fountain pool is somewhat awkward: three pools have dried up, cigarette butts, bottle caps and other rubbish have been thrown into the pool, and the pump facilities in the pool have been destroyed.


    "I've never seen a fountain spray." The owner of the community, Ms. Zhou, told reporters that she lived in the community in 2012. In her memory, the fountain in the community has not been opened, because there is no water inside, it has become a place for children to play.


    Subsequently, the reporter went to a community near Hubin Road. Although water was stored in the fountain pool at the main entrance, the water surface was covered with fallen leaves. "The fountain has been blown off for a long time." At the entrance of the community, Ms. Huang, the owner, said that the fountain in the community could be used at the beginning and was often open in holidays. However, in the past year or two, the fountain has been basically abandoned, even during the Spring Festival and other major festivals, there is no water spray. "We also reflected to the property, the property promised very well at that time, but no measures were taken afterwards." Ms. Huang said that there was no hope in the future. "We are busy with our work. Where do we get the time and energy to compete with the property?"


    During the visit, reporters found that fountains in most districts of our city have been reduced to decoration. There are many problems in fountains, such as rust spots on sprinklers, long-term deterioration of water pumps, dirty water in ponds, and untimely cleaning of garbage in ponds. Only a few districts have relatively clean fountain pools, which are cleaned by special people every day. "I forgot about the fountains in our neighborhood." In the interview, many owners laughed bitterly.


    [Exploring the Reasons]


    The cost is too high to spray.


    Why not use the fountain when it's built? For this problem, property companies are also complaining, too high maintenance costs make them afraid to easily open the fountain, "do not want to spray, it is really unable to spray."


    "Fountain fountain does not spray water is a difficult problem faced by many residential areas." Mr. Song, the property manager of a residential district in Jiangxiang Road, said that the bigger and more complex the fountain structure, the higher the maintenance and maintenance costs, but even if it is a small fountain with simple structure, its daily maintenance costs and failure maintenance costs are not affordable to the property. "What's more, if after the fountain is opened, the child runs to the fountain to play, who is responsible for the safety accident?"


    And for the property of this statement, most residential owners do not agree. "Since you promised to have a fountain when you bought a house, you should take this into account." Miss Song, a citizen, said that property maintenance costs could not be used as an excuse.


    "The fountain should play its role in the planning and construction of the residential district since it is used as the supporting facilities of the residential district. The present situation of the fountain can be said to waste public resources and destroy the environment of the residential district." Citizen Gao said that instead of building fountains in the community, it would be better to choose other more practical public facilities with lower maintenance costs, such as more public green spaces. "Do not build blindly for the sake of being tall and tall, resulting in waste of resources."
