首页»欧美剧 » 读心人第四季 » 第13集
类型:剧情 科幻 犯罪 欧美 地区:加拿大 年份:2013 
Toby's personal life also heats up as his relationship grows with crime reporter Tia Tremblay, who is inexplicably the one person he can't read. Life will be no less dramatic for Toby's colleagues as Sgt. Michelle McCluskey struggles through a complicated marriage with her husband, while IIB head Alvin Klein  attempts to protect himself and his team from the political manoeuvrings of the ambitious new police superintendent, Nichola Martell. Meanwhile, new director of emergency services Oz Bey realizes that being the boss is harder than he expected.
  • 穿越大盜

    Thiago Matso,Amadeu Maia,埃德米尔森·菲尔霍,Valéria Vitoriano,法比奥·拉戈,杜杜·阿泽韦度,香德莉·布拉斯,Solange Teixeira,Fabio Goulart,Max Petterson,Daniel Satti,Mateus Honori,Roberta Wermont,Larissa Góes,Jorge Ritchie

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    RJ·赛勒,杰西卡·苏拉,柯柯·帕尔莫,乔琪亚·惠格姆,泰加,朱利安·亚奥·焦耶洛,泰勒·珀西,大冯波,玛丽・布莱姬,吉迪恩·埃默里,罗格·杰克逊,帕特里克·约翰森,迪塞尔·马德金斯,德鲁·斯塔基,迈克·霍华德,德梅特里·兰德尔,克里斯托弗·乔丹·华莱士,Devin Bright,Kathleen Hogan

  • 格林第六季

    大卫·君图力,罗素·霍恩斯比,比茜·图诺克,塞拉斯·威尔·米切尔,萨沙·罗伊茨,雷吉·李,布丽·特纳,杰奎琳·托博尼,大卫·斯塔齐克,克莱尔·科菲,Danny Bruno,Hannah R. Loyd,Robert Blanche,Dawn Greenidge,Anthony Lam

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  • 冷战余谍

    玛格丽塔·列维耶娃,Cillian O'Sullivan,Lydia Fleming,Charles Brice,Yelena Khmelnitskaya,斯塔西亚·米洛斯拉夫斯卡娅,Lola Mae Loughran,Amanda Bright,何塞·路易斯·加西亚·佩雷斯,Anastasia Martin,Alexandra Prokhorova,Jeremy Ang Jones,Anatoly Chugunov,Anna Jobarteh,Mat Cruz,埃琳娜·桑兹

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