首页»欧美剧 » 港湾第五季 » 第25集
类型:剧情 科幻 悬疑 惊悚 犯罪 欧美 地区:美国 年份:2014 
I’m not at all surprised Syfy decided to renew Haven for a new season, but there was a fun twist to this happy story. Normally when the re’s a twist it’s for the worst, but Syfy must www. aiyoutv.com have been in a good mood when they were brainstorming how to mess with the series because it was decided to double the usual order of episodes for Haven. Now instead of 13 episodes, Haven’s fifth season will be 26 episodes. www. iav5.com  Can you imagine what the series will do with all that extra airtime It’ll be like having two seasons in one! Or one regular sized broadcast network season, which is probably the right way to describe it.  TVLine reported on the renewal, but it was star Emily Rose who broke the news over Twitter. She awesomely referred to the double order of episodes as icing on the cake and I
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