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类型:惊悚 恐怖 地区:美国 年份:2021 
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Haylee, a local EMT suffering from PTSD, spends her days making split second decisions with lives that hang in the balance. One night on a routine call, she is faced with a moral decision, taking matters into her own hands and mercy kills a young woman. Her decision opens a pandora's box that leads Haylee to blur the lines of her job responsibilities and wanting to help those in need. Now, falling deeper and deeper into a rabbit hole, she gets caught up in a world of underground drugs and a sadistic killer who's made her his next victim.
  • 恐怖博士费比斯

    文森特·普莱斯,约瑟夫·科顿,休·格里夫斯,特里-托马斯,弗吉尼亚·诺思,彼得·杰弗里,德里克·戈弗雷,Norman Jones,约翰·卡特,奥布里·伍兹,约翰·劳里,莫里斯·考夫曼,芭芭拉·基奥,肖恩·伯里,苏珊·特拉维斯

  • 布米卡

    Avantika,Pavel Navageethan,艾西瓦娅·拉杰什,Vidhu

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    特瑞沙莲,Kate Lister,Saskia Hampele,Ann Truong,Saskia Archer

  • 笔仙2


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    萨瓦特·博拉娜波拉特,素帕娜·吉塔勒拉,雷·麦克唐纳,辛扎伊·本班尼,Apapattra Meesang

  • 午夜惊魂
