首页»恐怖片 » 盟约2017 » HD中字
类型:恐怖 地区:美国 年份:2017 
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After the tragic deaths of her husband and daughter, Sarah Doyle moves back to her childhood home with her estranged brother, Richard. It's not long before Sarah begins to experience supernatural phenomena of a violent and hostile nature. Bewildered and desperate, Richard enlists the aid of a paranormal investigator who confirms that Sarah has become possessed by a powerful demon. Together, the three men will go to battle to save Sarah's soul.
  • 人鬼认证

    Peter A. Rey,Klaus Schreiber,Daniela Gäts,Meike Fellinger,Dietrich Hollinderbäumer,Catherine H. Flemming,Rolf Becker,Stefan Merki

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  • 虽然只是弄丢了手机2


  • 绝命代理

    乔·斯万博格,克里斯蒂娜·克莱伯,阿莱克斯·哈维斯,艾莉克希娅·拉斯姆森,Shayla Hardy,Kitsie Duncan,Erika Hoveland,Brittany Wagner,Faust Checho,Jim Dougherty,Jennifer Wilkens,Adam Stephenson,Phyllis Munro,Mark A. Nash,Erica Stikeleather

  • 淡蓝之眸


  • 爬行异种

    约瑟夫·阿尔马尼,卡利·埃尔德里奇,迈克尔·帕尔,Natalia Bilbao,Brian DeRozan,Christopher M. Dukes,Alec Gaylord,噶尔-叶·李,Matthew Payne,Elena Sahagun