首页»海外剧 » 桥第二季 » 第10集
类型:悬疑 惊悚 犯罪 海外 地区:其它 年份:2013 
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Season 2 begins 13 months after the events of the first season. A coastal tanker leaves the Öresund waterway and is headed straight for the Øresund Bridge. When the Coast Guard board the ship they discover there is no crew, and three Swedish and two Danish youths are chained below deck. Saga Norén, County Police, Malmö, is put in charge of the case and contacts Martin Rohde, who is still haunted by the death of his son. Soon it turns out the chained youths were just the beginning... Someone wants to direct our attention to the changing climate and the use of our planet's resources, and will stop at nothing to do it. It all turns into a race against the clock to prevent a disaster where many lives are at stake...
  • 绝对零度


  • 富家神偷


  • 晴空


  • 串流先锋

    吉泽姆·埃尔多安,克里斯蒂安·希尔伯格,埃德温·安德烈,Ulf Stenberg,斯维里娅·雅努索斯凯伊特,Joel Lützow,Ella Rappich,Jonatan Bökman,Lucas Serby,Janice Kavander,Erik Norén,Rufus Glaser,Sofia Karemyr,瓦尔特·斯卡斯加德,Fredrik Wagner,山姆·哈兹尔丁,帕特里克·巴拉迪,阿格尼丝·基特尔森,菲丽丝·扬克,艾米·黛蒙德,Sandra Redlaff,萨穆埃尔·弗洛勒,蒂姆·埃亨

  • 亡命刺杀令

    Leo Martinez,乔尔·托雷,皮奥洛·帕斯奎尔,杰拉德·安德森,Joey Marquez,迈克尔·德·梅萨,安吉尔·阿基诺,Vivian Velez,莎尔娜·玛格达瑶,William Martinez,Rayver Cruz,Dawn Jimenez