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类型:喜剧 地区:美国 年份:2019 
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December 23, 1983 Just days before Christmas, the Oliverio family readies their Feast of the Seven Fishes, an Italian tradition stretching back to the old country of Calabria. Amidst the preparations, Tony Oliverio, a young man with big dreams and a bigger heart, wonders if he'll find love this Christmas season or spend it alone with his loud and loving family - Great Grandma Nonnie, Grandpa Johnny, Great Uncles Frankie and Carmine, his parents, his brother, and a host of friends. When Sarah, the girlfriend of his best friend Angelo, introduces Tony to Beth, it looks like Tony's holiday experience might take a turn for the better. That is unless Nonnie thinks Beth isn't good enough for her great-grandson, and Beth's Ivy League suitor doesn't steal her heart first. Come on inside, where it's warm, and the smells of cooking fish permeate the air, and let's have a visit.
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