首页»欧美动漫 » 少年安乐死 » 第02集
类型:动画 欧美动漫 地区:美国 年份:2021 
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Set in near-future inland Florida, Teenage Euthanasia centers around the owners of Tender Endings funeral home, the Fantasy Family Grandma Baba, her adult children Uncle Pete and Trophy, and Trophy's teenage daughter, Euthanasia (Annie), a name accidentally given to her during the time of Trophy's own unbearable suffering. Back when Trophy was a teen herself; she ran away from home after giving birth to Annie, leaving her newborn to be raised by Baba and Uncle Pete. Now, 15 years later, Trophy returns to Tender Endings...as a corpse, for burial. When a bolt of lightning strikes Baba's homemade embalming fluid and one of Annie's tears, Trophy comes back from the dead. As a resurrected woman, Trophy has a variety of quasi-useful death powers. But more importantly, she has a second chance at unplanned parenthood.
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