首页»欧美剧 » 神探默多克第四季 » 第05集
类型:悬疑 犯罪 欧美 地区:加拿大 年份:2011 
Six months have passed since Dr. Ogden moved to Buffalo and Det. Murdoch is constantly a loggerheads with Dr. Francis, her replacement. While Insp. Brackenreid thinks highly of Francis, who was recruited from Scotland Yard, Murdoch finds him stubborn and unimaginative. He also seems to be in no rush to help Murdoch with his latest case where human body body parts were discovered on a riverbank encased in cement. A homeless man living in the woods nearby is questioned and released and Murdoch corresponds with Dr. Ogden who offers him valuable advice in her letters. He also gets help from a retired detective, Malcolm Lamb. Murdoch connects his current investigation a rape and murder that had occurred many years before.
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