首页»欧美剧 » 天堂岛疑云第三季 » 第05集
类型:犯罪 欧美 地区:英国 年份:2014 
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Poole’s untimely and tragic demise brings Humphrey Goodman to the beautiful island of Saint Marie as the new Detective Inspector. But while he enthusiastically embraces Caribbean life, his new team of Camille, Dwayne and Fidel quickly realise they’ve got another eccentric and rather frustrating Englishman on their hands… Humphrey’s apparently random and disorganised approach to solving crime initially seems confounding, but it’s not long before they realise they have a remarkable detective in their midst – one capable of solving his predecessor’s own baffling murder - and together the team go on to brilliantly solve a host of dizzyingly mystifying murders, from zombie film stand-ins, to glamorous stewardesses and local politicians.
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    克里斯蒂安·康佛瑞,侬索·阿诺斯,斯蒂芬妮娅·欧文,阿里萨·维拉尼,詹姆斯·布洛林,Naledi Murray,阿迪勒·阿赫塔尔,Nixon Bingley,Ava Diakhaby,Seth Flynn,威尔·福特,River Rain Jarvis,马尔科姆·C·默里,Jennifer Onyeiwu,丹妮亚·拉米雷兹,尼尔·桑迪兰兹,克里斯多夫·萨默斯,克里斯蒂安·特西尔,埃里克·蒂德

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