首页»欧美剧 » 威尔和格蕾丝第八季 » 第18集
类型:喜剧 欧美 地区:美国 年份:2005 
Will Grace are best friends. Will is a gay lawyer and Grace is a straight interior designer. They both live in New York. Grace is engaged to a real jerk, but when that relationship falls apart, she moves in with Will. This is only supposed to be until Grace finds a place of her own, but she and Will end up with each other as permanent roommates. Also in the cast are Jack, Will's flamboyant gay friend and Karen, Graces' secretaryassistant who doesn't really need to work because she married money several times.
  • 林肯律师第一季

    曼努埃尔·加西亚-鲁尔福,内芙·坎贝尔,克里斯托弗·戈勒姆,贝基·纽顿,迈克尔·加雷兹戴,拉蒙特·汤普森,雷吉·李,克里斯·勃朗宁,金·霍桑,卡洛斯·博纳德,杰夫·弗朗西斯科,乔翰·厄布,Paul McKinney,克里斯托弗·阿米特拉诺,保罗·瑞,阿梅利亚 布兰特里,乔纳森阿维多瑞,丽莎盖伊·汉密尔顿,杰米·麦克沙恩,梅拉·罗希特·库姆巴尼,帕洛马·拉比诺夫,维克托·沃尔夫,马龙·科雷亚,乔恩·坦尼,Anna Khaja,Susan O'Connor,Chris Gehrt,Ashle

  • 死亡医师第一季

    乔舒亚·杰克逊,亚历克·鲍德温,克里斯蒂安·史莱特,卡丽·普雷斯顿,多米尼克·伯吉斯,弗瑞德里克·林恩,Dashiell Eaves,Tracy Sallows,莫莉·格里格斯,格蕾丝·古默,安娜索菲亚·罗伯,Leslie Frye,玛丽安·普朗科特,休伯特·珀恩特·杜鲁尔,丹尼斯·法尼,Mark Torres,Perry Strong,John V. Barbieri,Smitty Chai

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  • 神探默多克第三季

    亚尼克·比森,海琳·乔伊,克雷格·汤姆斯,强尼·哈里斯,Patrick McKenna,丽萨·福克纳,Lachlan Murdoch,Warren Kimmel,Andrew Musselman,Duncan McLeod,Dylan Smith,Shaun Austin-Olsen,Mark Bowden,Danny Lima

  • 某人某地第一季

    布里奇特·埃弗里特,杰夫·西勒,迈克·哈格蒂,丹尼·麦卡锡,玛丽·凯瑟琳·歌瑞森,布莱恩·金,吉奥塔·特拉卡斯,Jane Brody,布赖恩·伯兰德,Jon Hudson Odom,Murray Hill,Christopher Kahler,Heidi Johanningmeier,Kailey Albus,Rammel Chan

  • 糟糕历史第六季

    詹森·刘易斯,汤姆·罗森塔尔,Natalie Walter,Jim Howick,Simon Farnaby,Ben Miller,Jessica Ransom,Adam Riches,Naz Osmanoglu,Dan Li,Lawry Lewin,Jon Culshaw,John Eccleston,Jalaal Hartley,Tom Stourton,Bhavna Limbachia,Sophie Wu,Louise Ford,Dominique Moore,Kevin Eldon,Sanjeev