首页»动作片 » 在世界的尽头 » HD中字
类型:动作 纪录片 冒险 地区:美国 年份:2008 
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At the Edge of the World chronicles the controversial Sea Shepherd Antarctic Campaign against a Japanese whaling fleet. The international volunteer crew, under-trained and under-equipped, develop a combination of bizarre and brilliant tactics with which to stop the whalers. But first they must find the Japanese ships, a far more difficult challenge than ever imagined - long-time activist Paul Watson and first-time captain Alex Cornelissen employ an array of strategies in the hopes of finding an elusive adversary in the vast expanse of the Ross Sea. With one ship (the Farley Mowat) too slow to chase down the whaling fleet, with their second ship (the Robert Hunter) unsuited for Antarctic ice conditions and with no country supporting their efforts to enforce international law, the situation becomes increasingly desperate. Against all odds, however, a real-life pirate tale unfolds - a modern-day David vs. Goliath adventure. Written by Dan Stone
  • 江湖奇兵


  • 极限逃生


  • 钢铁骑士

    本·温切尔,乔什·布雷纳,玛丽亚·贝罗,安迪·加西亚,安娜·维拉法妮,麦克·道尔,菲利普·德沃纳,比利·斯洛特,阿·米切尔,Lawrence Kao,布伦特·吉恩蒂尔,Jahnee Wallace,阿维斯·玛丽·巴尼斯,布兰登·拉瑞昆特,Clayton Frey

  • 危险元素

    John Soares,道格·琼斯,Cassie Meder

  • 至尊无上

    谭咏麟,刘德华,陈玉莲,关之琳,黄智强,向华强,高雄,龙方,仇云波,沈威,黄斌,Bruce Fontaine,麦克·阿伯特,张敏,Wing-Hon Cheung,鲁亦诗

  • 寿司女孩

    托尼·托德,James Duval,诺亚·海瑟威,考特妮·帕姆,千叶真一,马克·哈米尔,迈克尔·比恩