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类型:剧情 地区:其它 年份:2021 
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Scared of life and lacking the courage to be himself, Ludovico lives hidden away in his grandmother's old apartment. One night, the wickedness of the world goes to visit him in the form of Jack, a boy who is Ludovico's age but has the opposite character hard, determined, perhaps criminal. The forced cohabitation of two human beings who couldn't seem more different from one another turns into an initiation rite to adulthood, the discovery of their true and respective personalities. And when the harsh reality that is mercilessly stalking them appears to present the bill, they will have to face it, bolstered by a new awareness and unhoped-for courage.
  • 少年与英雄


  • 第三类接触


  • 舞动的心

    Jerry Killick,Natali Broods,奥丝·图思,Balázs Mészáros,Zsófia Rea

  • 玛德2号

    黄晓明,徐若瑄 Vivian Hsu,阿端,杨幂,曾志伟,杨谨华,九孔,关颖,乾德门,林宗仁

  • 海滩上的埃塔雷

    Ary Severo,António Campos,Almery Steves,Rilda Fernandes,J. Soares

  • 出演时刻

    约翰·P.瑞安,Michael St. Gerard,莫伦·蒂菲,Dana Dantine,Duncan Roulend,Thomas Newman,Robert Resnick,Angel Santana,Renza Mizbani,Donald Paul Pemrick,Andy Hart,Sandra Lee,J. Emmanuele Gartmann,Imogene Grant,Kathy Andrews,Jon Provost